Monday 22 July 2013

Organising my potting shed

Potting shed is complete!
So what do you think of it? I'm really pleased with how my shed has turned out. The interior has been painted throughout in white which has brightened up the whole space. The walls only have one coat as I knew that the resin in the knotty wood would keep coming through no matter how many coats I apply. The goal was to make it feel light, not to turn it into a summer house.
Tool boxes
My first priority was to fit in all of my tools. There are nails across the top for hanging hand tools but all of the larger ones are sitting in boxes to keep them all in one space.

Old mini greenhouses as shelves
On the opposite side I have used old mini greenhouses as shelves. Their plastic covers have long since decayed and are quite rusty in places but they will do the job for a few more years.

Boxes of compost, leaf mould and horticultural sand
 The window itself is south facing should I need to leave any trays of seeds in the shed. In front of it is this fantastic trolley that I picked up in a charity shop a few days ago. Ugly but strong, it makes a great surface for working on as well as being able to store buckets of compost, leaf mould and horticultural sand.
 All good sheds deserve a bit of bunting just to put a smile on your face as you walk in.

A blackboard
 A blackboard may not strike you as essential and I confess that it is there to be decorative rather than useful. There was a big white space that was crying out for something so that something became this. It is 'rustic' as I didn't see the need to trim the edges straight!

I have already used this space for potting up seeds and it feels like such a luxury to be able to put my hands on whatever I need. I know that in time it will fill up with more essentials but I hope that I don't let it get too cluttered, I love how it is now.

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