Thursday 1 August 2013

July review, August planning

Last months plan:
Wellbeing: Make sure that I take time to appreciate my garden
Home & Garden: Keep on top of the veg patch

We have had a fabulous month, weather wise. Long, dry, hot days. Possibly too hot! But, after the initial few lazy days, the heat has enforced a new routine on me that has worked well. Immediately after breakfast I have been working outside, watering plants and catching up on other chores. I cannot believe how much I have achieved in the past few weeks. When finished, or if it simply became too hot, I would wash and get going with the rest of the day. Something to keep up!
Health: Stretch - keep going!
Hmm, something to keep working on! I am not as bad as I was but there is still much room for improvement.
Arts & Crafts: Puddle art to do
Uh, no. This didn't happen. Most of my creativity has been happening in the garden. But I have been doing some very practical craftwork, sewing. Mainly minor adjustments that make a big difference to how often I wear certain clothes, nothing blogworthy though.
Self Learning: How to store our harvest
Still an ongoing mission. Finding recipes is not a problem but meals that we can all enjoy is a little trickier. I fondly remember making gooseberry fool but have a strong suspicion that my spoilt monkeys would be turning their noses up at this. I did taste some of my wines that are quietly aging... some may be drinkable by Christmas.

Okay... how about next month? With a lot of children likely to be around this is not a time for grand plans!
Wellbeing: Keep sane and plan days out
Home & Garden: Keep on top of the washing up!

Health: Still stretching
Celebrations: Lammas? Carnival
Self Learning: Tarot

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